Chestnut Mountain Village (‘The Village’), a ministry of Chestnut Mountain Ranch, is dedicated to creating Christ-centered communities to provide hope and homes for vulnerable kids and families. To do this, the Village guides and equips church partners to care for vulnerable children and families by providing a proven, step-by-step ministry model that amplifies the Gospel, nurtures spiritual growth, and involves the entire church.
The Village also serves as a bridge between churches, local child-placing agencies, and other government entities when necessary.

Our Mission
Creating Christ-centered communities to provide hope and homes for vulnerable kids and families.
Our Vision
Through His church, God’s promise to set the lonely in families is fulfilled in a tangible, measurable way.
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families.” – Psalm 68:5-6
Our Staff

Steve Finn
Founder and Executive Director
Chestnut Mountain Ranch
Recognized as one of the top 3 leaders in the country by the 2016 John C. Maxwell Leadership Award Committee. Steve Finn witnessed firsthand how God makes the impossible possible. After 12 years as a gangs special unit metro-Atlanta police officer, he and his wife felt led to full-time ministry, following a short tenure as Houseparents for Eagle Ranch Children’s Home outside of Atlanta. Steve took an even greater leap.
Today, he is the Founder and Executive Director for Chestnut Mountain Ranch, a 300-acre Christ-centered home and school for boys in one of the poorest areas of the country. Cautioned that building a ministry of such magnitude in that area would be almost impossible. Steve chose to trust that God would bring the seed He had planted to harvest. Together, he and his wife, Dawn, call Chestnut Mountain Ranch home with a family too big to name.

Greg Clutter
Director, Foster Care Initiatives & Chestnut Mountain Village Ministry
Chestnut Mountain Ranch
After a 30-year career in business and non-profit leadership roles, Greg joined Chestnut Mountain Ranch as Director of Foster Care Initiatives. Greg was an early supporter of the Ranch and previously served on its Board of Directors. He felt called to do more for West Virginia’s most vulnerable children and families, and joined the Ranch full-time in July 2021.
Prior to joining the Ranch, Greg served for several years as Chief Operating Officer of a successful and growing West Virginia-based research and development services firm that focused on chemical, energy, environmental, and software technologies. In that role, he had responsibilities in many functions, including accounting and finance, information technologies, human resources, marketing, and legal disciplines. Prior to that, he served as Director at an economic development and innovation-based non-profit, which focused on diversifying the West Virginia economy. In this position, Greg was responsible for all aspects of a technology-focused commercialization and entrepreneurship program that supported, mentored, and invested in technology-based new ventures.
Greg has also held past positions in commercial marketing, customer service, and operations at Nortel Networks in North Carolina and France. He also served as a Senior Accountant with Deloitte & Touche LLP in Charlotte, N.C.
Greg has an MBA from the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School and a B.S. in Business Administration from West Virginia University.

Melissa Cargill
Community Coordinator for Chestnut Mountain Village
Melissa is the Community Coordinator for Chestnut Mountain Village. She joined the team in April of 2023 after being a stay-at-home mom to her own four kids while they were small. She has a degree in Communications Media from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with an emphasis in Training and Development. Melissa has a passion to see children growing in loving homes, and to see families connected in a community where they are supported and able to thrive.
As a military spouse for over 10 years, she became keenly aware of the need for families to be connected in community. During their first duty assignment, she served as President of the Officers’ Spouses Club and also enjoyed gathering women at her home for Bible study and encouragement. After their move to Morgantown, Melissa served extensively as a leader in the Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPs) group at Chestnut Ridge Church, and has also helped facilitate Women’s Bible study groups at her church in Texas, and in Morgantown. Melissa enjoys meeting new people, hearing their personal stories, and helping them find community. She is a firm believer that we are all a work in progress, but we are “better together!”
Chestnut Mountain Ranch is a Christ-centered home and school. We reach the hearts of young men and restore broken families through a structured, loving community.
The vision of the Ranch is to restore hope to children and families.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17

About Us
Chestnut Mountain Village (‘The Village’), a ministry of Chestnut Mountain Ranch, is dedicated to creating Christ-centered communities to provide hope and homes for vulnerable kids and families. To do this, the Village guides and equips church partners to care for vulnerable children and families by providing a proven, step-by-step ministry model …