The Village believes that consistent and specific prayer is a key first step to not only finding a solution to the challenges in foster/adoptive/kinship care but also necessary to grow the network of support needed to accomplish our mission.
Below are ways you can pray with us:

Pray for Children
- Pray for the nearly 6,500 kids being impacted by the WV foster care crisis.
Pray for Families
- Pray for the biological parents who are going through a challenging season apart from their children.
- Pray for the current foster parents as they love and serve the children and families in their care.
- Pray for new foster parents as they step up and begin fostering.
- Pray for adoptive families as they raise children who still cope with past trauma.
- Pray for kinship families as they care for children and navigate difficult family situations.

Pray for the Foster Care System
- Pray for the child welfare staff who selflessly serve the most vulnerable families and children in our communities every day. We pray that staff might feel seen, valued, and the presence of the local church would impact child welfare in a life-changing way
- ray for the advocates, attorneys, judges, and CASA workers in WV that they will be given wisdom and discernment when advocating and making decisions for vulnerable families and children.

Pray for Churches
- Pray for our church family and our partners as we take steps to help foster West Virginia!

More ways to Pray

About Us
Chestnut Mountain Village (‘The Village’), a ministry of Chestnut Mountain Ranch, is dedicated to creating Christ-centered communities to provide hope and homes for vulnerable kids and families. To do this, the Village guides and equips church partners to care for vulnerable children and families by providing a proven, step-by-step ministry model …